Thursday, December 8, 2011

High School Swim Season=One Big Family

In Colorado when it starts getting cold outside and winter is just around the corner; it's swim season. The girl's high school swim season begins in November and ends in late February. For those grueling four months we work till our legs are numb and are arms can no longer move. We see each other at 4am with no makeup, when we're at our worst, all through the mental break downs and even when we don't shave for months. During the season we become one big swimming family who's there for each other; behind the blocks before a race and there after whether you have won or lost with a huge congratulations hug. At team dinners the night before our next meet we get together at someone's house eating pasta and laughing at all the new inside jokes that we have come up with. After it snows outside we race out screaming, grabbing hands full of snow for one huge team snowball fight. No matter what happens our team sticks together through the good times and the bad. Even when we aren't swimming we are still like a family.

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