Thursday, December 15, 2011

What's In A Swimmer's Bag?

Like all great athletes swimmers have a bag filled with all sorts of different equipment that assist them throughout practices and competition days to be successful. There are the common items you would expect to find in a swim bag and then there can be some crazy stuff too. In all swim bags you will of course find a suit because it's kind of difficult to participate in swimming if you forgot your swim suit not to mention a little awkward. During meets days you will find anywhere from two to three towels since swimmer's are consistently in and out of the pool and they don't want to be drying off with a soaking wet towel. Extra caps and goggles are an absolute must because your goggles or cap may break at any given time considering the materials they're made of are fragile. Among the slightly crazy stuff you may find in a swimmers bag, there could be footie pajamas that keep us warm and toasty during cold winter days and coloring books to keep us entertained throughout the long meets. Although many think that there isn't much that you need to pack to go swimming; nothing could be further from the truth.

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